

时间:2023-11-02 16:04 来源:网络小编 点击:


融华国际物流(天津)有限公司成立于2018年,具有一级国际货运代理和交通部批准的无船承运人(NVOCC)等资质。总部位于天津市,业务广泛布局于天津、青岛、大连、上海、宁波、深圳、安徽、厦门等主要口岸城市和长江内支线港口,并以国际化思维及全球化视野进行延伸发展。 自成立至今,本公司现已发展为具有集装箱海运进出口、散货、空运货运代理、仓储、堆场等多项业务的集团型物流公司,并不断强化物流整合服务优势。 2022年融华物流自主研发,建立了数智化国际供应链管理平台 --WWW.HELLOCAPTAIN.COM,为客户提供海运、空运、陆运、铁路、多式联运、跨境电商物流等多种国际物流运输的全流程可视化服务。 作为MSC、MAERSK等多家知名船东的战略合作伙伴,我们具备独家运价优势和贴心全程运输管理服务,专注为您提供更专业、更精准的物流解决方案。

Ronghua International Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. was founded in 2018 and has the qualifications of first-class international freight forwarder and NVOCC, approved by the Ministry of Transport. Headquartered in Tianjin, the business is widely distributed in Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Anhui, Xiamen and other major port cities and feeder ports within the Yangtze River, and expands and develops with international mind-set and global vision. Since establishment, the company has developed into a group logistics company with ocean import and export forwarding, bulk cargo, air freight forwarding, warehousing, yard and other businesses, and constantly strengthens the advantages of logistics integration services. In 2022, Ronghua Logistics independently developed and established a digital intelligent international supply chain management platform -WWW.HELLOCAPTAIN.COM to provide customers with full-process visualization services for various international logistics and transportation such as ocean, air, land, rail, multimodal transport, and cross-border e-commerce logistics. As a strategic partner of many well-known carrier such as MSC and MAERSK, we have exclusive freight rate advantages and considerate transportation management services, focusing on providing with more professional and accurate logistics solutions for our clients.  



